What Does TTM Mean in Business Analysis?

TTM analysis

Have you ever wondered, “what does TTM mean?” and how businesses and investors track their financial performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions? The answer lies in understanding TTM, or Trailing Twelve Months, a key financial analysis tool that provides a comprehensive snapshot of a company’s financial performance over the past year. By grasping the essentials of TTM, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies for future growth.

Key Takeaways

  • TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) is a financial analysis method used to measure various performance indicators.

  • It provides businesses with valuable insights into their financial health and enables comparison of performance across timeframes.

  • TTM metrics are also useful for investors to assess stock valuation, dividend yield and P/E ratios, making it an essential tool in data-driven decision making.

Defining TTM: Trailing Twelve Months

TTM, or Trailing Twelve Months, is a financial analysis method that assesses a company’s performance over the trailing 12 months, providing a more accurate reflection of its current standing and smoothing out seasonal fluctuations. This potent method provides an insight into growth trends and enables comparison between past, present, and future business approaches.

Using TTM in financial accounting gives a broader perspective of a company’s financial performance over the past year, taking into account seasonal variations and enabling accurate identification of growth trends.

While TTM always encompasses the preceding 12 months, other similar techniques, such as YTD (Year-to-Date), only consider the period from the commencement of the current fiscal year to the present date, which may be less than 12 months.

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The Importance of TTM

TTM is of great significance to businesses as it offers valuable insights into growth trends and facilitates the assessment of current and future business strategies in light of past experiences, such as analyzing income statements. By presenting a wide-ranging review of a company’s financial performance over the preceding year, TTM allows businesses to:

  • Evaluate their strategies from a historical perspective presented in financial reports

  • Identify areas of improvement or potential risks

  • Make informed decisions based on trends and patterns

  • Set realistic goals and targets for the future

Utilizing TTM for assessing growth patterns offers numerous advantages, including:

  • A valuable perception of growth by taking into account trends and seasonality

  • Evaluating a company’s present stage of change

  • Considering regression in decision-making processes

TTM not only enhances compliance and motivates people towards change but is also beneficial for evaluating a company’s growth trajectory by comparing revenue over different periods.

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Types of Metrics Measured with TTM

TTM can be applied to a wide range of metrics, such as:

  • revenue

  • yield

  • P/E ratios

  • key performance indicators (KPIs)

For yield analysis, TTM offers indicators such as:

  • TTM revenue

  • TTM profitability

  • TTM yield

  • TTM earnings per share

  • TTM earning yield

The use of TTM in computing P/E (Price-to-Earnings) ratios involves dividing the current stock price by the earnings per share (EPS) from the past four quarters. This process allows investors to assess a company’s valuation based on its latest earnings performance.

Calculating TTM: Methods and Considerations

There are two primary methods for calculating TTM: summing up quarterly data or averaging monthly data, depending on the metric being measured. Each method has its advantages and applications, and choosing the appropriate calculation method is critical for obtaining accurate and meaningful TTM figures.

Summing Up Quarterly Data

The computation of TTM values by totaling quarterly data requires the addition of numerical data from the past four quarters to yield the desired result. This method offers a comprehensive view of a company’s financial performance, including revenues, expenses, and other key metrics. However, when summarizing quarterly data for TTM, it is essential to avoid common mistakes, such as utilizing incorrect time frames or data and not comprehending the concept of TTM and its calculation method.

To compile quarterly data for TTM, begin with the most recent quarter, accumulate the financial data from the four most recent quarters, and utilize the sum of the four quarters as the foundation for analysis. When dealing with inconsistencies or gaps in quarterly data when calculating TTM, one approach is to utilize the available data points and supplement the gaps with estimations or assumptions based on historical trends or industry benchmarks.

Averaging Monthly Data

The computation of TTM value through the averaging of monthly data necessitates finding the mean of numerical figures from the past 12 months. This approach provides a more precise and comprehensive representation of a company’s performance over a 12-month period and evens out any seasonal or monthly variations, allowing for a more dependable analysis of trends and patterns.

To calculate the average for monthly data in TTM, add up the data from the four most recent quarters and divide it by 12. Tools and software for calculating the average of monthly data for TTM include Alteryx Designer, Tableau, Docsumo, Wisesheets, and CEO Tools’ T12M chart.

Comparing Performance Across Timeframes

Analyzing company performance across various timeframes using TTM offers several advantages, including:

  • Gauging a company’s growth trajectory by comparing revenue or other financial metrics over a consistent period

  • Providing a comprehensive financial overview by taking into account the company’s performance over a longer time period

  • Facilitating comparisons between current performance and that of the previous 12 months, offering insights into patterns and modifications in the company’s performance.

Although TTM analysis is retrospective and reflects past performance, it can be used as a foundation for recognizing trends and making educated predictions about future results.

Analysis of TTM data allows for the identification of a variety of business trends, such as:

  • Time to market for different industries

  • Net burn rate patterns

  • Seasonality or cyclical trends in revenue

  • Growth prospects and financial performance of a company

Analyzing Stock Valuation

Analysis of stock valuation with TTM aids investors in ascertaining the value of a company’s shares and making well-founded investment decisions. The formula utilized to analyze stock valuation using TTM is the current stock price divided by the earnings per share (EPS) for the last four quarters.

TTM can also be used to calculate various other ratios and metrics, such as the dividend yield and price-to-sales (P/S) ratio, which can provide additional insights into a company’s financial performance and investment potential.

Assessing Dividend Yield and P/E Ratios

Evaluation of dividend yield and P/E ratios using TTM enables investors to assess a company’s profitability and growth potential. Dividend yield is a metric used to evaluate the return on investment from dividends, which is calculated by dividing the sum of dividends paid out over the past four quarters by the stock price.

The P/E ratio, or price-to-earnings ratio, is a financial metric often utilized to evaluate the valuation of a company’s stock. It is determined by dividing the market price per share by the earnings per share (EPS). When computed using TTM, the P/E ratio takes into account the earnings of the company over the past 12 months.

Successful Startups that used the TTM Application

AirBnB using TTM application

Airbnb is a prime example of a successful startup that utilized TTM to monitor growth, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions for future success. Founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia launched the platform and promptly implemented customer feedback to refine and improve their product. By focusing on achieving a timely market launch and consistently developing their platform, they achieved success, highlighting the importance of TTM in startup growth.

Using TTM to analyze cash flow and expenses, Airbnb was able to consolidate revenue metrics such as ARR, ARR changes, and net burn into a single, readily available dashboard that provided a view of the company’s cash position and cash flow statements that could be shared at any given time.

Established Company Analysis

Amazon using TTM analysis

TTM plays a significant role in strategic planning for established companies such as Amazon. It measures the duration from initial ideation to the market delivery of a product and sets objectives and benchmarks for product development and launch. By reducing TTM, companies can:

  • Gain a competitive edge

  • Achieve faster market entry

  • Expand their market share

  • Take advantage of new opportunities more efficiently


In conclusion, understanding the essentials of TTM is crucial in making informed decisions and developing effective strategies for future growth. By mastering the various applications of TTM, businesses and investors can gain valuable insights into their financial performance, identify trends and patterns, and make data-driven decisions that will drive success. With TTM as a powerful tool in your arsenal, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complex world of financial analysis and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does TTM stand for?

TTM stands for “Trailing Twelve Months” and refers to a company’s financial performance over the past year, based on data taken from its quarterly reports.

What is the primary purpose of TTM in business analysis?

TTM in business analysis provides a comprehensive view of a company’s financial performance over the past 12 months, accounting for seasonal fluctuations and enabling more informed decision-making.

How is TTM calculated?

TTM is calculated by summing up the quarterly or averaging the monthly data to get an accurate measurement.

What types of metrics can be measured using TTM?

TTM can be used to measure metrics such as revenue, yield, P/E ratios and KPIs, making it an effective tool for understanding business performance.


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