What’s New At Cheddar Flow – Summer

Whats new in cheddar flow

We are excited to reveal the newest version of our application that is now available for access with a range of updates and improvements made in response to customer feedback. This is something we have been looking forward to for a long time!

Options Order Flow Table

We’ve made some major improvements to the order flow data. You can now access bid, below and mid market orders. Additionally, each order now has a “conditional“ label to let you know exactly what the order is. Please note: you will need to activate bid side trades inside the filters tab.

Power Alerts

We’ve greatly improved this feature to make it more powerful. You’ll now get bullish and bearish signals on order flow that the system finds ‘notable’. Plus, you can go even further and see how the alert signal is doing and track the contract during a certain time period.

Make sure to check out this blog post to learn more about this feature and how to successfully implement it into your trading strategy

Symbol Exclusions

You can exclude symbols that you dont want to see inside the feed. We’ve added multiple ways of doing this:

  • Search: Head over to the main search area and just input any symbol(s) that you don’t want to see order flow for by placing a “-“ in front of it.
  • Filters: Check out the filters tab for a selection of pre-defined symbols to choose from.

You can also refer to our help article [INSERT LINK] to learn more about this feature.

Dark Pool Filters

You can now filter dark pool orders the same way you would with order flow. Best part is you can save them as well. We’ll be adding more to this area as we continue to improve the overall product.

More Filter Settings

We’ve added a few more filter settings based on user feedback. You can now directly sort which option expiration you would like to see inside the options table.

UI/UX improvements

Flow Overview

We’ve enhanced the user experience by allowing people to view all of their previous tabs simultaneously. This improvement makes it easier and faster to see what’s happening with the flow across the board. Additionally, you can now search through more historical data points and specify what type of flow you would like to see (stocks, ETFs).

Calls and Puts Cards

Located on the main dashboard, the calls and puts card now tells you how much overall premium has gone into each type of option area. This includes all sides of the trade.

Dark Pool Quick Summary

It’s now easier than ever to see at a glance whats happening with the dark pools – we’ve created a quick summary to show the total volume and premium in real time. The search function can let you delve into more granular data for specific symbols, and our historical page includes all the info across different time frames.

New User Payment Area

Cheddar Flow users now have an effortless way to keep track of payments. In the improved payments section, you can glance at invoices from past transactions and quickly apply promo codes when discounts are available.

You’ll also notice that our login and registration has a new look as well!

Major Code Updates

Our team has worked hard to make necessary updates to the codebase and a comprehensive renovation of the whole system in order to tackle any major issues our users were experiencing. Additionally, we needed a new infrastructure in place to be able to store and access large amounts of data that will soon enter our system.

We are fully loaded for the year and will be rolling out more features. This is just the beginning of what we have planned. Get ready for an exciting 2023!


Evaluating the Potential of EnergyX Stock

Curious about the worth of EnergyX stock? EnergyX is a leader in lithium extraction and energy storage technology. This article explores its stock valuation, market

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